These provisions regulate the use of the website service that VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. makes available to Internet users. The use of the website assigns user status (the "User") and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this Disclaimer from the moment the User accesses the website.
Please read these documents carefully before you start using the features available on the website, as well as every time you visit the website, as we may change, modify, add or remove any of them at any time.
In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July, regarding Information Society Services and E-Commerce, the following data is provided about the owner of this website:
Spanish Tax ID (CIF): B-07594856
Registered Office: Calle Guillem Massot, nº 56, Entresuelo, Palma (07003).
Registry Data: Company registered in the Mallorca Commercial Registry, page 107, volume 952 of the archive, Companies Sec, sheet no. P.M. -6967.
Contact details:
(+34) 971 72 16 63
(+34) 971 71 93 63
Users may submit their requests, questions or complaints at headquarters or through the email address listed above.
2.1 General
This website provides users with information about the activities carried out by VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. Under no circumstances may the contents of the website be considered to be legal advice on any matter.
2.2 User Obligations.
Users undertake to make proper use of this website in accordance with the law, the provisions contained in this Disclaimer and the rights and interests of VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. or any third party. Users will be liable to VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. or to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of non-compliance with this obligation.
Likewise, by way of example and not limited to, the following, the User accepts:
not to participate in activities that are illegal or are contrary to public policy or the principle of good faith;
not try to access, modify, manipulate and, where necessary, use the accounts of other Users;
not to use the information published on the website to send messages considered to be spam;
not to publish or disseminate information or content which is false, ambiguous, inaccurate or misleading to the recipients of said information, nor to disseminate information of a racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature or to publish statements that justify terrorism or are likely to infringe human rights or the rights of minors;
not to carry out any action that infringes or gives rise to an infringement of the intellectual property rights of VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. or of third parties;
not cause any damage to the physical and logical systems managed by VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U., its suppliers or third parties;
not to introduce or spread any computer virus into the network or any other physical or logical system that could cause the aforementioned damage;
not to erase, alter or manipulate any protection device or security system installed on the website.
2.3 Exemption from liability.
VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U., its directors, employees, suppliers or collaborators will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damage derived from the website's use.
VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. does not guarantee the availability or functioning of the website. However, we will do everything in our power to ensure both of these things. Likewise, we reserve the right to interrupt the service at any time to carry out any necessary maintenance work.
VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. will not be liable for any possible damage that may occur as a result of interference, interruptions, computer viruses, faults or disruption of the operation of this electronic system, due to causes beyond our entity's control or as a result of damage, that may be due to alterations in the User's software or hardware. Similarly, we cannot guarantee the absence of viruses, malware, trojans or other harmful elements that may alter the computer system, documents or user files. Therefore, VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. will not be liable for any damage caused to the User for the aforementioned reasons. Furthermore, VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. will not be liable for any damage caused by third parties as a result of illegal interference beyond our control.
We will not be liable for any damages that may arise from the improper use of the website's content or consequences arising from errors, faults or omissions in the content published by Users or third parties on this website. VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. will not assume any obligation or responsibility for services not provided directly by the company.
2.4 External links.
VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. does not offer or market, by itself or by means of third parties, the information, content and services available through the external links, nor does it approve, supervise or control in any way the contents and services and any material of any nature available through them. Therefore, VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. will not assume any responsibility for the content of the external links contained on this website, nor will it guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, scope, veracity, validity or legality of any material or information contained through any of the hyperlinks or on other Internet websites.
The presence of external links does not, under any circumstances, imply the existence of a relationship between VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. and the owner of the website or webpage to which the links lead.
2.5 Publication of blogs and newsletters.
The website contains texts produced for purely informative or educational purposes that may not reflect the current state of legislation or case law. In no case can they be considered a substitute for personal legal advice. Therefore, the user should not act on the basis of the information contained on this website without first seeking the appropriate professional advice.
2.6 Personal data processing.
Users agree to the processing of their personal data in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in our privacy policy available on our home page. This policy should, therefore, be considered as part of these terms of use. Our privacy policy includes information on the exercise of the right to access, cancellation and modification of users' personal data, as well as their right to oppose the processing of said data.
2.7 Intellectual property and copyright.
All the contents of the website, including, but not limited to, the text, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes, are the intellectual property of VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. or of third parties, and none of the exploitation rights over them may be understood to have been transferred to the user beyond what is strictly necessary for the proper use of the website.
The trademarks, trade names or logos are the property of VIDAL ASESORES TRIBUTARIOS, S.L.U. or third parties, and access to the website shall not be construed as conferring any right over the aforementioned trademarks, trade names and/or logos.
It is expressly forbidden to reproduce, transform, distribute, publicly communicate, make available, extract, reuse, resend or use in any way, by any means or process, any of the content, except in cases where it is legally permitted or authorised by the owner of the corresponding rights.
Notwithstanding the above, Users may view the elements of the website's various features and even print, copy and store them on the hard drive of their computer or any other physical device provided that this is done purely and exclusively for their personal and private use.
2.8 Applicable law and jurisdiction.
The website will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Spanish law and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of Palma de Mallorca. Users must expressly waive any other jurisdiction that may apply.